Our Services

We are certified through and facilitate our workshops with Prepare & Enrichment resources. All of our workshops and materials are hosted through this amazing movement.

Weekend Workshops

The Out of the Ashes Marriage & Enrichment Workshops are designed to enrich your marriage and create a closer, more intimate connection with you and your spouse.  This 1 ½ day workshop is centered around the Prepare & Enrich material which includes an assessment to evaluate areas of strengths and opportunities for growth in your relationship. Couples are then given a chance to learn insights and strategies from Bill and Lori and will be given a chance to process their results in a small group setting (usually no more than 4 couples including table host). Couples are also given a chance to practice these strategies and techniques during break out sessions.

Couples Coaching

If you are struggling in your marriage and want to go deeper in your journey, coaching may be the way to go. Coaching is done either in person or online. This process starts with the Prepare & Enrich Marriage assessment where we establish a baseline for your relationship. The results are then used to design a program uniquely for you. This is usually a 10-12 session process, with each session lasting approximately sixty minutes. In between sessions, couples are given assignments to work through that increases communication, relationship, and intimacy. 

Premarital Counseling

As couples prepare for their “happily ever after”, there are so many aspects of life that they are not prepared for. Through our premarital program we will look at multiple areas of the marital relationship and explore some of the more difficult aspects of marriage. We explore patterns of communication, conflict resolution, finances, marital expectations and even the awkward conversations about sex and your in-laws. This service is a must for any couple looking to get married and want to have the best start to their marriage as possible.

This can be done in a group or individual sessions and average 8-10  sessions.

We work with the pastor too!

How we coach + council:

  • The results of an assessment provide insights to your relationship. Research has shown the act of taking the Prepare/Enrich assessment improves relationship quality and brings increased awareness across multiple aspects of the relationship.

  • Prepare/Enrich covers various areas within the relationship including communication, conflict resolution, finances, and spiritual beliefs. In addition, the assessment will explore your personality, family of origin, and relationship dynamics. Over 30 customized categories, such as previous marriage and expecting a child, ensure your experience with your results will feel accurate and relevant to your relationship.

  • Research has shown that taking the Prepare/Enrich assessment prior to marriage reduces your risk for divorce by 30%.

  • Prepare/Enrich will help you celebrate your strengths as a couple and use them to gain momentum in the growth areas of your relationship. The assessment primes you to have meaningful conversations as you continue to grow as a couple.

  • Prepare/Enrich provides skill-building exercises to help you strengthen your relationship. Developing skills such as assertive communication and active listening will allow you to support growth in all areas of your relationship.